Saturday 23 June 2007

Strawbales in Wales

We just got back from a week-long workshop in Wales, at the Center for Alternative Technology. Great center, nasty midges. I have oozing welts from the little buggers. I prefer the big green-eyed biting flies of Southern France, and I was advocating insecticide for them. (I mean I wanted to kill them all.)

The workshop was taught by Bee Rowan and Jakub Wihan of Amazon Nails. Bee is short, business-like, friendly and soft-spoken, formerly an auto-mechanic and now one of the most knowledgeable straw-bale builders in the world. Jakub is tall, often wide-eyed and grinning, with formal training as a modular building engineer and a recent M.Sc. in some ecological design discipline -- the newest recruit to the Amazon Nails team, apparently. The name "Amazon Nails" is a pun, by the way. For those of you who don't speak with a Yorkshire accent, imagine it being said, "ammuhz'n nails".

Charlie and I are ready to build things with bales, now! And we met a group of cool people on the course, some of whom may be building with us in the future. Perhaps one or two of them will be among the founders of our village!

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