Wednesday 1 August 2007

our vision so far for ecovillage

These ideas are our current vision for creating our future ecovillage. We expect these ideas to morph as our circumstances change, and as other people come on board with their needs and desires. But for now, we want to put this vision out there in case you or someone you know feels drawn by these ideas to join us.
I've numbered these points for clarity but none is more or less important than another.
1. We want to live in community. What that means to us or anyone else is fluid. We imagine ultimately living in a community of about 100 adults, although that is ambitious and long-term and we accept that the number may be considerably smaller to begin with. In fact it is our clear intention that we begin this process with a committed core group of, say, 12 adults. The initial core group will of course have the most say in the shaping of the village. We are very excited about kids and families living in the village.
2. Location. We intend to live in a rural or semi-rural location. Ideally close to a rail link, and within 1 hour's travel of a reasonably large connurbation, for the sake of earning our keep. Southern England or northern France, most likely. We imagine the site will be one with existing buildings and out-buildings, ie a farm, etc. We would like to be able to build new buildings on the site of a sustainable and carbon-neutral nature. We intend for the site to be a compact village-centre development alongside working farm land and wilderness areas.
3. Economy. Nate works as a life-coach and Charlie as an acupuncturist. Both these professions require a stable and large-ish pool of clients, hence the need for a town of some size nearby. We intend to create a secure community subsistence economy, ie and eg growing food, managing woodland, maintaining our tools and machinery, producing energy, dealing with waste... This doesnt mean we all have to be farmers, but it would mean each community member putting in an agreed number of hours each week, and learning skills that could end up maintaining the community in apocalypse or hard times. (2 - 8 hours per week? ) Then we would also need a (booming) market economy. The skills and desires of community members would shape this, but we're thinking along the lines of, for example, eco-tourism like yurt b&b, internet business, retreat centre, eco-skills workshops, consulting which may involve travel, manufacture, etc etc. The subsistence economy exists to support the whole community; the market economy is more individualistic and each community member will ultimately be responsible for creating their own wealth of this type. However, both are needed for the long-term health of the village. There is also an investment aspect for the initial group who will be putting money down to buy the site: we intend that over time this group gets its money back and may make profit as new homes are built and sold to new community members.
4. Governance. We would like to use consensus decision-making structures, perhaps with a board or council that delegates authority to groups and individuals. This allows everyone to have their say, but also gets things done quickly without getting bogged down in having the whole group discuss every aspect of every decision, eg what colour to paint the barn. Privately run businesses operating on site may have to make agreements with the community, eg rent, available space, etc, but they would not be run by the community.
5. Legal structure. We imagine a company such as an LLP (limited liability partnership), with one voting share owned by each adult community member, would own the freehold common land and buildings. In addition to this voting share in the LLP, members may purchase leasehold properties from the LLP. This means that members can own or rent their private dwellings, and that these dwellings can be bought and sold on the open market as long as leasehold requirements are met. There will be some sort of filtering process for people wishing to become village members.
6. Culture/society. Community rules will of course be decided upon by consensus as the village grows. For example, it might be cool for people to agree to nudity in some areas; childcare in community; eating together regularly; regular community-building get-togethers, etc. Personally, Charlie and Nate want to live a life where they can have private space but lots of chances to hang out on the porch with neighbours and kids; where kids are nurtured and safe, old people active and respected, everyone in it together, no hierarchy by sex, integration of generations. We are interested in, but not committed to, home-schooling of the community's kids. We intend to have a 'barn-raising' culture, whereby the community comes together in a spirit of fun if a big project needs to be achieved or if someone needs help, eg building a new dwelling.
7. Spirituality. We welcome village members of any creed, so long as they subscribe to an inclusive 'many paths, one mountain' ethos, respecting other people's spiritual processes. We would like members to be willing to commit to telling the truth to other villagers and to commit to learning from their interactions with each other. We are looking for villagers to be more committed to learning and creating positive outcomes for themselves and the whole community, than to being right or making others wrong (particularly when shadow stuff comes up and it's crunch time).
8. Ecology. Basically we would like the creation of our village to benefit the local and global environment overall. We are interested in leaning about and using new and established ways to, for example, maiximise bio-diversity, minimise CO2 production, minimise wastage, etc.

This is a work in process. Please let us know what you think of these ideas. We are looking for people to join us now in forming the initial core group. Putting our thoughts and vision out there in this way represents a major part of our personal manifestation process - now we await input from you, if this vision speaks to you, whether we know you already or not. Hooray.
Charlie and Nate.


Anonymous said...

Dear Charlie & Nate, I think what you are planning is fantastic and most of all you are very brave. I wish you all the best in making your dream come true and shaping your future life into the one you wish for. If you ever need advice on organic growing, give me a shout! All the best, Francesca (03.1)

Anonymous said...

Hi Nate and Charlie. Just heard through a friend about what you are doing in regards to the Yurt Village. Absolutely fantastic.
I would so love to be a part of this venture. I am ready to pack up and move there now.

I lecture in philosophy and I am involved in the world of music and poetry. I am also a qualified carpenter which means I cold help in building whatever needs structure etc......

Perhaps you would be kind enough to contact/text me on 07882391404 and I will call you straight back.
Thanks for your time, hope to gear from you. peace and lovely from Yap

Anonymous said...

Charlie & Nate

:) Hello! We are a couple from Scotland currently looking to find a home in a wonderful community. Your community speaks to us! :)

My partner, Wilson (27), is a professional musician/spiritual writer/performer & I, Kat (23), am an artist/clothing designer/clothing producer and am in the process of starting up a internet business selling entirely ethically produced clothing of my own design. Other than our 'profession' skills we also are able to bring to the community a host of other skills. We are both avid cookers&specialize in vegetarian food (we are both veggies!). I also bake my own bread; am experienced in childcare; am attuned to channel Reiki healing energy; have an interest&some experience in herbalism. Wilson has labouring experience; gardening experience; he is an excellent&patient teacher. We are both friendly, spiritual&open minded beings willing to share our truths.

We are very keen to set up a self sustainable home for ourselves and future family. We are willing to work&help in the creation/running of this community. We are very interested in permaculture&earthship type housing structures but have no experience or tuition in it.

We would love some more information with regards to how this is going to work! Do you plan to sell shares or areas of land or homes or all of the above? Are you looking for all the community to participate in the building of all the housing? Do you have a finalised location yet? How long do you envision before members are able to live on location?

We look forward to hearing from you:

Thank you for sharing this with the world! :)