Thursday 26 July 2007

A Scary Moment


We're just being visited by the planning council today. They have the ability to issue all sorts of orders about who can live where, and what sort of structures are permitted to exist. We think that our yurt is permitted, and that the worst we'd have to do would be to move it, but we don't know for sure! And that's scary.

We also aren't certain about the status of our official dwelling (the old shack that we're paying rent on).

We'll be cleaning it up so it's livable, but we don't want to have to move in this weekend, that's for sure! And will the council decide that, since it's all dirty and substandard, it's not a real dwelling? God, I hope not.

In fact: Oh great mystery that is all becoming all, I ask and intend that the council people decide to support us in our venture. I trust that everything that happens now will help me to serve the good of all people and our planet, and to aid my current intentions if my current intentions are aligned with that greater good. Love, Nathaniel Tucker White

I invite all of you readers to join me in this prayer!!!

PS - please do comment! I know you need to do a word-verification, but its quick. This way, 'bots don't put porn and stock ads on our blog!!


Anonymous said...

I believe I can pray as you suggest. When will you hear back from them?

Gavin told me about your new blog the other night; I'm glad to read about your lives and this project!

Alchemist said...

Thanks, Christine!

I'll put up another post about our encounters with the council in a few minutes. Nothing definitive so far, though.